
Hideyuki Yokoi aka Zeebra

Artist | Nightambassador Shibuya city | Tokyo (JP)

Zeebra (real name: Hideyuki Yokoi) began his hip hop career in 1993, joining the rap group King Giddra. Zeebra and King Giddra played an important role in the development of the Japanese hip hop scene. In the mid 1990s, they began addressing social issues, particularly the economic recession and unemployment. By 1997 Zeebra left King Gridda to start a solo career.Through his early and newer work, Zeebra has becoame one of the most influential Japanese hip hop artists.

Yukoi is the night ambassador of Shibuya city (a special ward in Tokyo). His empathy and engagement focuseson  the current situation of the Tokyo nightlife. The infamous FuEiHo (no dance laws) has finally, after 68 years, dissapeared and the city is on the verge of a new bright era. Thanks to the continuous efforts made by the Japanese music-, dance- and entertainment scene as well as artists and many others who united for the rights to enjoy dancing. Zeebra expects this as the start for many cities to build bridges to the national and international clubscene and other institutions in nightlife.

Meine Sitzungen

Die politische Dimension des Nachtlebens

Musik und Frieden

Moderation: Jakob F. Schmid / Im Rahmen eines Impulsvortrags beleuchtet der Geschichtswissenschaftler Daniel Morat (Berlin) die gesellschaftspolitische Bedeutung des scheinbar unpolitischen Vergnügens und dessen räumlicher Manifestationen in der Stadt. Das Aufkommen einer öffentlichen städtischen Vergnügungskultur um die vorletzte Jahrhundertwende wird als »Aufbruch in die Moderne« sozial- und kulturgeschichtlich hinterfragt. Im Anschluss diskutieren unsere Panelist*innen, welche […]


SIDE EVENT: International Night Ambassadors & Night Mayors Meeting

Native Instruments Berlin

Aside the STADT NACH ACHT conference program there will be again a meeting of night mayors, night ambassadors, night councils and political nightlife institutions. The first Night-Mayor was active in Groningen in the Netherlands. For several years the model of a mayor rsp. ambassador of the night has become more and more common in European […]